
Table of contents of all Issues published by Mosel Fine Wines ... going back to 2008!


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Issue No


Release Date


Mosel : 2023 Vintage Report Part I

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Jun 2024


Mature Riesling : "10 Years After" Retrospective (2014 Vintage), Notes from the Cellar, Update on the Latest Decade (2022-2015)

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Apr 2024


Visiting the Mosel : The 2024 Guide for Wine Lovers Visiting the Mosel

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Apr 2024


Mosel : 2022 Look-Back and Vintage Highlights, 2023 Sneak Preview

Perspective: The Story of Red Mosel

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Mar 2024


Mosel : 2022 Vintage Report Part III

Dry German Riesling : Part III

Annual Auctions : A look-back

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Dec 2023


Mosel : 2022 Vintage Report Part II

Annual Auctions : Guide to the Upcoming Auctions in Trier and Bad Kreuznach

Dry German Riesling : Part II

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Sep 2023


Mosel : 2022 Vintage Report Part I

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Jun 2023


Mature Riesling : "10 Years After" Retrospective (2013 Vintage), Notes from the Cellar, Update on the Latest Decade (2021-2014)

Perspectives : The Great 1993 Vintage

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Apr 2023


Mosel : 2021 Vintage Report Part III

Dry German Riesling : Part II

Annual Auctions : A look-back

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Dec 2022


Mosel : 2021 Vintage Report Part II

Annual Auctions : Guide to the Upcoming Auctions in Trier and Bad Kreuznach

Dry German Riesling : Part I

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Aug 2022


Mosel : 2021 Vintage Report Part I

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Jun 2022


Mature Riesling : "10 Years After" Retrospective (2012 Vintage), Notes from the Cellar, Update on the Latest Decade (2020-2013)

Perspectives : Mosel Vintages since 1940

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May 2022


Mosel : 2020 Vintage Report Part IV, 2020 Vintage Look-Back and Highlights, 2021 Vintage Sneak Preview

Annual Auctions : Look-Back at the 2021 events

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Feb 2022


Mosel : 2020 Vintage Report Part III

Dry German Riesling : The Report

Annual Auctions : Guide to the Upcoming Auctions in Trier and Bad Kreuznach

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Nov 2021


Mosel : 2020 Vintage Report Part II

Dry German Riesling : Sneak Vintage Preview

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Sep 2021


Mosel : 2020 Vintage Report Part I

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Jul 2021


Mature Riesling : "10 Years After" Retrospective (2011 Vintage), "20 Years After" Retrospective (2001 Vintage), Update on the Latest Decade (2019-2012)

Perspectives : 1921 and the Tale of Great Vintages

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Apr 2021


Mosel : 2019 Vintage Look-Back and Highlights, 2020 Vintage Sneak Preview

Perspectives : Kabinett - The Art of Playful Lightness, Vineyard Names - Origin and Meaning

Mature Riesling : Koehler-Ruprecht Saumagen R and RR Vertical

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Jan 2021


Mosel : 2019 Vintage Report Part II

Annual Auctions : Guide to the Upcoming Auctions in Trier and Bad Kreuznach

Mature Riesling : Recent Library Releases

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Aug 2020


Mosel : 2019 Vintage Report Part I

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Jun 2020


Mosel : 2019 Sneak Preview

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May 2020


Mature Riesling : "10 Years After" Retrospective (2010 Vintage), Update on the Latest Decade (2018-2011), Notes from the Cellar (Back to the 1960s), Recent Releases

Perspectives : Guide to the Pre-1971 German Wine Label

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Apr 2020


Mosel : 2018 Vintage Look-Back and Highlights, 2019 Vintage Sneak Preview

Perspectives : Natural Wine in the Mosel, 19th Century Winemaking

Mature Riesling : Breuer Berg Schlossberg Vertical, Keller von der Fels Vertical

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Jan 2020


Visiting the Mosel : The 2020 Guide for Wine Lovers Visiting the Mosel

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Jan 2020


Mosel : 2018 Vintage Report Part III

Dry German Riesling : 2018 Vintage Report

Annual Auctions : Mosel Auctions Look-Back, Bad Kreuznach Auction Highlights

Mature Riesling : Recent Releases

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Oct 2019


Mosel : 2018 Vintage Report Part II

Annual Auctions : Guide to the Upcoming Mosel Auctions

Mature Riesling : Library Releases by E. Christoffel-Berres

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Aug 2019


Mosel : 2018 Vintage Report Part I, Low/No Sulfur Recent Releases

Dry German Riesling : Recent Releases

Mature Riesling : Library Releases by J.B. Becker

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Jun 2019


Mature Riesling : "10 Years After" Retrospective (2009 Vintage), Update on the Latest Decade (2017-2010), Notes from the Cellar (Back to the 1960s), Recent Releases

Perspectives : Historic Defunct Mosel Estates

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Apr 2019


Mosel : 2017 Vintage Look-Back and Highlights, 2018 Vintage Sneak Preview

Perspectives : Deep-Dive Interview with Oliver Haag, Winninger Uhlen gets gU / PDO Status, Gueuze Kriek & Co: The Beer for Mosel Lovers

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Jan 2019


Visiting the Mosel : The 2019 Guide for Wine Lovers Visiting the Mosel

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Jan 2019


Mosel : 2017 Vintage Report Part III

Dry German Riesling : 2017 Vintage Report

Annual Auctions : Mosel Auctions Look-back, Bad Kreuznach Auction Highlights

Mature Riesling : Recent Releases

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Oct 2018


Mosel : 2017 Vintage Report Part II

Annual Auctions : Guide to the Upcoming Mosel Auctions

Perspective : Keller Hubacker Vertical (2017-1997)

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Aug 2018


Mosel : 2017 Vintage Report Part I

Mature Riesling : Library Releases by J.B. Becker

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Jun 2018


Mature Riesling : 10-Years-After + 20-Years-After Retrospectives (2008 + 1998 Vintages), Update on the Latest Decade (2016-2009), Notes from the Cellar (Back to the 1930s!)

Perspectives : Keller G-Max Full Vertical (2017-2001), Coche-Dury Corton-Charlemagne Vertical (2009-1999)

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Apr 2018


Mosel : 2016 Vintage Look-Back and Highlights, 2017 Vintage Sneak Preview

Dry German Riesling : 2016 Keller Collection

Mosel Perspectives : Vineyard Classification before the 1850s, Keller takes over Mosel Vineyard

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Jan 2018


Mosel : 2016 Vintage Report Part III

Dry German Riesling : 2016 Vintage Report

Annual Auctions : Mosel Auctions Look-Back, Bad Kreuznach Auction Highlights

Mature Riesling : Recent Releases

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Oct 2017


Annual Auctions : Guide to the Upcoming Mosel Auctions

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Aug 2017


Mosel : 2016 Vintage Report Part II

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Jul 2017


Mosel : 2016 Vintage Report Part I

Dry German Riesling : Further 2015 Wines

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Jun 2017


Mature Riesling : 10-Years-After + 20-Years-After Retrospectives (2007 + 1997 Vintages), Update on the Latest Decade (2015-2008), Notes from the Cellar (Back to the 1930s!)

Perspectives : Hanno Zilliken - 40 years of Saar Greatness, Decipher the Modern German Wine Label

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Apr 2017


Mosel : 2015 Vintage Look-back and Highlights, 2016 Vintage Sneak Preview

Perspectives : Bert Selbach Interview, Karl Erbes - A Precursor of the flying winemaker, The Merkelbach Brothers, Mosel State Estates, German Wine a Century Ago

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Jan 2017


Mosel : 2015 Vintage Report Part II

Dry German Riesling : 2015 Vintage Report

Annual Auctions : 2016 Mosel Auctions Look-Back, 2016 Bad Kreuznach Auction Highlights

Mature Riesling : Recent Releases

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Oct 2016


Mosel : 2015 Vintage Report Part I

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Jun 2016


Mature Riesling : 10-Years-After + 20-Years-After Retrospectives (2006 + 1996 Vintages), Update on the Latest Decade (2014-2007), Notes from the Cellar (Back to the 1930s!)

Perspectives : Sekt - The Sparkling Joy of Riesling, Clos Ste Hune - Recent Releases and Mature Beauty

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Mar 2016


Mosel : 2014 Vintage Report Part II

Perspectives : Vineyard Revivals - Three New Stories

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Oct 2015


Mosel : 2014 Vintage Report Part I

Perspectives : Geisberg - Revival of a Former Saar Glory, Winemaking in the Age of Climate Change

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Jun 2015


Mature Riesling : 10-Years-After + 20-Years-After Retrospectives (2005 + 1995 Vintages), Update on the Latest Decade (2013-2006)

Perspectives : When to Enjoy Your Mature Mosel Wines, Understanding AP Numbers

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Mar 2015


Mosel : 2013 Vintage Report Part II

Perspectives : Vineyard Classification and New Wine Labelling Law

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Oct 2014

Special Issue

Aug 2014


Mosel : 2013 Vintage Report Part I

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Jun 2014


Mature Riesling : 10-Years-After + 20-Years-After Retrospectives (2004 + 1994 Vintages), Update on the Latest Decade (2012-2005)

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Mar 2014


Mosel : 2012 Vintage Report Part II

Oct 2013

Special Issue

Annual Auctions : Guide to the Upcoming Mosel Auctions

Download full Auction Guide 2013 >>>

Aug 2013


Mosel : 2012 Vintage Report Part I

Jul 2013


Mature Riesling : 10-Years-After Retrospective (2003 Vintage), Update on the Latest Decade (2011-2004), Update on the 1960s and older

Apr 2013


Mosel : 2011 Vintage Report Part II

Oct 2012

Special Issue

Annual Auctions : Guide to the Upcoming Mosel Auctions

Download full Auction Guide 2012 >>>

Sep 2012


Mosel : 2011 Vintage Report Part I

Jul 2012


Mature Riesling : 10-Years-After Retrospective (2002 Vintage), Update on the Latest Decade (2010-2003), Update on the 1970s

Apr 2012


Mosel : 2010 Vintage Report Part II

Oct 2011

Special Issue

Annual Auctions : Guide to the Upcoming Mosel Auctions

Download full Auction Guide 2011 >>>

Sep 2011


Mosel : 2010 Vintage Report Part I

Jul 2011


Mature Riesling : 10-Years-After Retrospective (2001 Vintage), Update on the Latest Decade (2009-2002), Update on the 1980s

Apr 2011


Perspectives : "Dry" Mosel Riesling

Mosel : 2010 - The Acid Test Vintage?

Jan 2011


Mosel : 2009 Vintage Report Part II

Oct 2010

Special Issue

Annual Auctions : Guide to the Upcoming Mosel Auctions

Download full Auction Guide 2010 >>>

Sep 2010


Mosel : 2009 Vintage Report Part I

Jul 2010


Mature Riesling : 10-Years-After Retrospective (1999 Vintage), Update on the Latest Decade (2008-2000), Update on the 1990s

Apr 2010


Perspectives : The Erdener Prälat - Tiny Greatness

Mosel : 2009 - Another Roaring Success?

Jan 2010


Mosel : 2008 Vintage Report Part II

Oct 2009

Special Issue

Annual Auctions : Guide to the Upcoming Mosel Auctions

Download full Auction Guide 2009 >>>

Sep 2009


Mosel : 2008 Vintage Report Part I

Jun 2009


Perspectives : Weingut Jos. Christoffel jr. (Christoffel-Prüm) - Mosel classicism since decades

May 2009


Mature Riesling : An Update on the 1970s

Apr 2009


Perspectives : Addendum to the Mosel Vineyard Classification

Mature Riesling : An Update on the 1980s

Mar 2009


Perspectives : Towards a Mosel Vineyard Classification

Feb 2009


Mosel : 2008 - A Retro-Vintage in the Making?

Jan 2009


Mature Riesling : Update on the 1960s and the 1990s

Dec 2008


Mature Riesling : An Update on the Period Before 1960 and on the 2000s

Nov 2008

Special Issue

Annual Auctions : Report on the 2008 Mosel Auctions

Download full Auction Report 2008 >>>

Oct 2008