October 24, 2014 | News | Publications
The 80-page strong Issue covers Part II of the 2013 Vintage Report, a look-back at the 2015 auctions as well as a detailed explanation of the VDP vineyard classification.
The Issue contains part II of our extensive 2013 Vintage Report with 300 recommended wines from 50 different Estates including detailed "Estate reviews" from:
2013 confirms its early promise – lots of zest but also great freshness and precision!
As usual in the October Issue, you will also find a report on the Auctions and the resulting price levels with some surprising figures!
We also provide a detailed Mosel Perspective on the “bumpy road to a vineyard classification in Germany”. The objective is to help German wine lovers grasp these increasingly important factors for German wines. The article also provides some background on the new wine labelling law effective in August and the recent announcement of the iconic Koehler-Ruprecht Estate leaving the VDP.
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