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July 24, 2019
2018 was kissed by the sun and yielded many ripe and blousy wines ... as well as some stunningly racy and elegant ones! Here the key facts in a nutshell >>>
April 30, 2019
We tasted many 2018 wines at the VDP.Weinbörse Mainz earlier this week. Here some thoughts on this fascinating vintage. >>>
December 22, 2018
We look back at dry Riesling in the 2017 vintage and share our list of not-to-be-missed vintage highlights >>>
December 18, 2018
We look back at off-dry Riesling in the 2017 vintage and share our list of not-to-be-missed vintage highlights >>>
December 14, 2018
We look back at Noble-Sweet Riesling in the 2017 vintage and share our list of not-to-be-missed vintage highlights >>>
December 10, 2018
We look back at Spätlese in the 2017 vintage and share our list of not-to-be-missed vintage highlights >>>
December 6, 2018
We look back at Kabinett in the 2017 vintage and share our list of not-to-be-missed vintage highlights >>>
November 16, 2018
2017 played on intensity and zest, not an easy combination for dry Riesling. Worry not, the finest are amazing, as we found out >>>
July 23, 2018
The Mosel hit the bull’s eye three times in a row: The finest 2017er 2017 wines are simply amazing … and there is perfection at the top! >>>
April 30, 2018
We tasted many 2017 wines at the VDP.Weinbörse Mainz earlier this week. Here some thoughts on this very promising vintage >>>
December 12, 2017
We look back at dry Riesling in the 2016 vintage and share our list of not-to-be-missed vintage highlights >>>
December 5, 2017
We look back at off-dry Riesling in the 2016 vintage and share our list of not-to-be-missed vintage highlights >>>
November 23, 2017
We look back at Spätlese in the 2016 vintage and share our list of not-to-be-missed vintage highlights >>>
November 14, 2017
We look back at noble-sweet Riesling in the 2016 vintage and share our list of not-to-be-missed vintage highlights >>>
November 7, 2017
We look back at Kabinett in the 2016 vintage and share our list of not-to-be-missed vintage highlights >>>
October 29, 2017
2016 was far from an easy vintage. Yet it delivered plenty of elegant dry Riesling, including modern-day legends. Here the key facts >>>
July 15, 2017
2016 is a vintage of contrast, with a start from hell and yet, in the end, some gorgeous wines including classics cut along the canon of the mythical 1997 vintage >>>
April 28, 2017
We tasted many 2016 wines at the VDP.Weinbörse Mainz earlier this week. Here some thoughts on this charmer of a vintage >>>
December 26, 2016
End of the Year: We look back at how Kabinett fared in 2015 and share our list of highlights from the vintage >>>
December 19, 2016
End of the Year: We look back at how Spätlese fared in 2015 and share our list of highlights from the vintage >>>
December 12, 2016
End of the Year: We look back at how noble-sweet Mosel wines fared in 2015 and share our list of highlights from the vintage >>>
December 5, 2016
End of the Year: We look back at how off-dry Mosel Riesling fared in 2015 and share our list of highlights from the vintage >>>
November 28, 2016
End of the Year: We look back at how dry Mosel Riesling fared in 2015 and share our list of highlights from the vintage >>>
November 12, 2016
2015 proved consumer friendly with wines combining ripeness with zest. But not all that shines is gold. Here the key facts >>>
Jul 15, 2016
How great is 2015 in the Mosel? After tasting over 600 wines, here a differentiated take on the vintage with clear buying advice >>>
May 14, 2016
An update on the 2016 vintage after budbreak and the terrible frost in parts of Europe >>>
April 27, 2016
We tasted many 2015 wines at the VDP.Weinbörse Mainz earlier this week. Here our 1st thoughts on this vintage pre-hyped like few others before >>>
January 22, 2016
The promising 2015 vintage even allowed some winemakers to produce Eiswein … at the beginning of 2016 >>>
December 30, 2015
End of the Year: A look back at 2014 Kabinett and our list of not-to-be-missed highlights from the vintage >>>
December 27, 2015
End of the Year: A look back at 2014 noble-sweet Riesling and our list of not-to-be-missed highlights from the vintage >>>
December 22, 2015
End of the Year: A look back at 2014 noble-sweet Riesling and our list of not-to-be-missed highlights from the vintage >>>
December 20, 2015
End of the Year: A look back at 2014 off-dry Riesling and our list of not-to-be-missed highlights from the vintage >>>
December 20, 2015
End of the Year: A look back at 2014 dry Riesling and our list of not-to-be-missed highlights from the vintage >>>
December 19, 2015
A look-back with the full benefit of hindsight: 2014 delivered many must-buys but one needs to be choosy >>>
November 6, 2015
Did the vintage turn out as well as anticipated early October? Here some views and early answers from the winemakers >>>
October 23, 2015
Wine harvests are the same everywhere? Here a few things making the Mosel harvest rather unique >>>
October 5, 2015
The Harvest 2015 has started! But how are things after the unsteady September? Here an account >>>
September 7, 2015
The summer was splendid … but dry. What is the effect? Here some insights from a few winemakers >>>
July 8, 2015
FLowering an easy-peasy affair? In essence yes, but there are some differences between regions and vineyards. >>>
May 5, 2015
Every year, the same miracle: bud break! Is 2015 early or late? we asked a few winemakers >>>
April 28, 2015
The 2015 VDP.Weinbörse in Mainz gave us some insights on the 2014 Mosel wine vintage >>>
December 19, 2014
See Erni Loosen speak about the 2014 vintage >>>
November 4, 2014
The harvest comes to a close and winemakers celebrate, each in different ways >>>
October 3, 2014
Ever wondered how this come? Here some beautiful pictures as the fog clears up >>>
September 30, 2014
The harvest come to a start. Here the takeaways for the week >>>
September 23, 2014
Just back from the Mosel with the first news about the harvest, which just started >>>
September 14, 2014
KEH or a pest which wine lovers may hear their favorite winemakers complain about more frequently often in the coming years >>>
September 5, 2014
An update after a rather cold and rainy month of August >>>
May 26, 2014
After a very early bud break, winemakers see already the first signs of flowering >>>
April 22, 2014
Damage is localized, but one part was more severely hit >>>